Why power compound
The mechanical strength of plastic materials can be improved by adding a well-calibrated percentage of functional additives, including fibreglass. Based on fibreglass percentage, their resistance and stiffness can be modulated so as to respond to specific design or performance needs.
Plastimark® Power enhances:
- flexural modulus
- izod impact
- tensile strength at break
What is Plastimark® Power
Shopping trolleys by Plastimark are made to resist to heavy loads and to strong impacts; this special compound guarantees a longer average life span of each product. Plastimark keeps the leadership also by applying to Retail cutting-edge technologies which enhance the overall performance of products.
Plastimark Power compound allows to reduce the size and the width of shopping trolleys, to the advantage of design, which becomes more and more elegant and easily recognized by customers.
Products made with Power Compound achieve a strength increase percentage of up to 400%.
Plastimark® Power is available for our full range of trolleys: