Why an antibacterial?
Antibacterials are substances capable of contrasting the growth and multiplication of metabolically active bacteria. They are distinguished into bacteriostats, which inhibit their proliferation, and bactericides, which kill them.
Plastimark® Clean can:
- reduce the charge up to 2000 times
- improve the microbial safety of the trolley
- contain the bacterial exchange between users
What is plastimark® Clean
The daily manipulation of trolleys and baskets used by large retailers causes the proliferation of a large number of bacteria, capable of being transfered by contact from one user to another.
Armed with this awareness, Plastimark®, always “structurally” focused on environmental issues and on the quest for innovative solutions, has, first in its sector, added to the plastic material an active component with anti-bacterial action through the continuous release over time of silver ions. Plastimark® Clean can be used to produce basket handle + body and trolley handle.
The laboratory tests carried out have shown that Plastimark® Clean is capable of reducing the bacterial charge up to 2.000 times compared to the same materials without additive.
Within the baskets range, Plastimark® Wood is available for:



Within the trolley range, Plastimark® Clean is available for the handles of:



Hybrid Super

Hybrid Iper
