Is it right to take domestic pets to the supermarket?

Is it right to take domestic pets to the supermarket?

There are various and different points of view on whether or not one should take one’s pets to the supermarket. There are those who argue that it is unnecessary stress for animals, subjected to unfamiliar sounds and smells, and those who consider it useful to...
The power of color in store layout strategy

The power of color in store layout strategy

Colours play a crucial role in retail, influencing consumer behaviour, brand perception and ultimately sales. One of the first things customers notice are bright, contrasting colours, which are also useful for highlighting sales, novelties and special promotions. On a...
The most suitable furniture solutions for a small purchase

The most suitable furniture solutions for a small purchase

In the last few years, starting from 2021, there has been a worldwide reduction in the volume purchased. Smaller formats are now the most popular both to reduce waste and to optimise shopping.The retail trend is still quite positive, but it is the habits that have now...
Shopping solutions that adapt to retail trends.

Shopping solutions that adapt to retail trends.

The transition of urban areas into increasingly pedestrianised spaces limited to car traffic is certainly a trend that is radically changing the way people shop. Large retail chains are adapting to this evolution by concentrating their efforts on smaller shops with a...
Italian Liberation Day

Italian Liberation Day

We are pleased to inform you that on the occasion of the Italian liberation festivities, our offices and production will be closed on 25th and 26th April.   We will be ready to leaf through our catalogues with you all from Monday 29 April 2024.
The plastic shopping trolleys’ advantages

The plastic shopping trolleys’ advantages

Talking about plastic is complicated today because this material is increasingly subject to prejudice and stigmatisation.But if on the one hand there is an urgent need to communicate the environmental problem linked to the misuse of plastic, on the other hand it is...

L’acronimo TÜV, Technischer Überwachungsverein, può tradursi in “Associazione tecnica di sorveglianza” finalizzata alla sicurezza dei prodotti e della collettività. Fondato in Germania nel 1866 è oggi uno dei maggiori enti indipendenti di certificazione, test ed ispezione a livello mondiale, punto di riferimento tecnico per le aziende che operano nei vari settori della produzione e dei servizi. I consumatori moderni prestano molta più attenzione al tema della sicurezza e della qualità dei prodotti che utilizzano, di conseguenza il mercato per fabbricanti e distributori si sta spingendo verso la proposta di prodotti certificati e dotati di maggiori garanzie di affidabilità rispetto alla semplice verifica dei requisiti minimi di sicurezza richiesti dalla legge. Questa attenzione verso il tema di sicurezza permette, oltre al rispetto delle norme, di ottenere maggiore visibilità e conquistare il favore e la fiducia dei consumatori nei confronti del proprio prodotto e del brand. Ottenere la certificazione, offre la possibilità ai fabbricanti e distributori di apporre sul prodotto certificato il marchio TÜV, conosciuto e riconosciuto a livello internazionale, migliorando così il posizionamento sul mercato del prodotto ed evidenziando la sua costruzione in conformità a tutti i requisiti di sicurezza e la verifica periodica.

The acronym TÜV, Technischer Überwachungsverein, can be translated into "Technical Inspection Association" provides vehicular inspection and product certification services. Originated in Germany in 1866, today it's one of the largest independent certification, test and worldwide inspection and a technical reference point for companies that operate in various sectors of production and services. Modern consumers pay much more attention to the safety and quality of the products they use; therefore the market for producers and distributors is moving towards certified products with more guarantees of reliability, compared to the simply verification of the minimum safety requirements required by law. This focus on the safety issue allows, in addition to compliance with the rules, to gain more visibility, but also to win consumers’ favour and trust towards their product and brand. Obtaining certification offers to producers and distributors the possibility of label on the certified product the mark TÜV. TÜV, internationally known and recognised, improves the product’s market positioning and highlights its construction in compliance with all safety requirements and periodic verification.

L'acronyme TÜV, Technischer Überwachungsverein, peut être traduit en "Association de surveillance technique" visant à garantir la sécurité des produits et de la société. Fondé en Allemagne en 1866, la société TÜV est aujourd'hui l'un des plus grands organismes indépendants de certification, de test et d'inspection au monde, elle représente un point de référence technique pour les entreprises qui opèrent dans les différents secteurs de la production et de services. De nos jours les consommateurs accordent beaucoup plus d'attention à la sécurité et à la qualité des produits qu’ils utilisent, par conséquent les fabricants et les distributeurs s'orientent vers la proposition de produits certifiés qui garantissent une meilleure fiabilité par rapport aux exigences minimales requises par la loi. Cette attention portée sur la sécurité permet, au-delà du respect de la réglementation, d'obtenir une plus grande visibilité et de gagner la confiance des consommateurs par rapport au produit et à l’enseigne. L'obtention de la certification offre aux fabricants et aux distributeurs la possibilité d'apposer sur le produit certifié la marque TÜV, connue et reconnue au niveau international, améliorant ainsi le positionnement du produit sur le marché et mettant en évidence sa production en conformité avec toutes les exigences de sécurité et sa vérification périodique.

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. This term refers to those technologies that allow the remote recognition of objects, animals and people using radio waves. A radio frequency identification system consists of two main components: a transponder or tag, and a reader. The tag is the label that is attached to the object. It is here that all the information related to it is contained and that uniquely identifies it. The data, stored in a microchip, can be read thanks to an antenna that receives and transmits radio signals to and from the RFID reader. The microchip and the antenna together form the RFID tag and are held together on a physical support. The reader is the device, either fixed or portable, used to read the RFID tag, able to convert the radio waves of the tag into a digital signal that can be transferred to a computer. In order to communicate between them, the tag and the reader must be tuned to the same frequency. Plastimark products are designed to be fully compatible with RFID technology, being able to count on the undeniable advantage provided by plastic not to interfere with the electronic reading of the label, something more likely to occur with metal trolleys (“Faraday cage” phenomenon).

RFID signifie Radio Frequency Identification, ou identification par radiofréquence. Ce terme désigne les technologies qui permettent la reconnaissance à distance d'objets, d'animaux et de personnes à l'aide d'ondes radio. Un système d'identification par radiofréquence se compose de deux composants principaux : un transpondeur ou tag, et un lecteur. Le tag est l'étiquette qui est apposée sur l'objet. C'est là que se trouvent toutes les informations concernant l’objet en question et qui l’identifie de manière unique. Les données, mémorisées dans une micropuce, peuvent être lues grâce à une antenne qui reçoit et transmet des signaux radio vers et depuis le lecteur RFID. La micro puce et l'antenne forment le tag RFID et sont tenues ensemble sur un support physique. Le lecteur est le dispositif, fixe ou portable, utilisé pour lire la puce RFID, capable de convertir les ondes radio de la puce en un signal numérique qui peut être transféré vers un ordinateur. Pour communiquer entre eux, la puce et le lecteur doivent être réglés sur la même fréquence. Les chariots en plastique sont conçus afin d’être entièrement compatibles avec la technologie RFID, car ce matériau n'interfère en aucun cas avec la lecture électronique de l'étiquette, comme au contraire il peut plus facilement arriver avec les chariots métalliques (phénomène de "cage de Faraday").